Wednesday, November 21, 2007


A morning walk with
soft sunlight on green grasses
a lake of living

Lover singing in
the foreground of the day
happiness contagious

Tom calling early
sweet gratitude for that call
on this Wednesday

Silly am I for
discerning the calls today
are more love filled

Spacious is mood
Tender the blue with creamed clouds
Dancing like they do

When might we walk again?
When might we rest in the grasses?
To watch the sky a while?

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Possibility: Possibility is all that can be. There is possibility beyond what seems reasonable, predictable, comfortable, or attainable.

Responsibility: Being responsible leaves people at the source of their lives, at choice, and able to act effectively.

Integrity & Well-Being: Integrity and Well-Being are the foundation to having a life or business that works. Fundamental to integrity are completion and authenticity. Fundamental to well-being is self-care.

Essence: People have a pure, essential nature. Operating from this place, people create extraordinary relationships and unprecedented results in their lives.

Love: Love is what exists naturally within and between people. Removing the barriers to the experience of this love profoundly alters the quality of people's lives.