Sunday, December 31, 2006

meditation on a fait accompli

fait accompli \fay-tah-kom-PLEE; fet-ah-\, noun;plural faits accomplis \same or -PLEEZ\: An accomplished and presumably irreversible deed or fact.

Fait accompli comes from the French, literally meaning "accomplished fact": fait, from Latin factum, "a thing done," from factus, past participle of facere, "to make or do" + accompli, past participle of accomplir, from Latin ad- + complere, "to fill up, to complete," from com- + plere, "to fill."

Are there any really?


So many souls
Today will pause
To reflect
On the 364 unbirthdays and the one birthday
That makes up their personal year

I see no point in being detailed
Simple is my focus

to love, to love, to love


Thursday, December 28, 2006

Dances of Universal Peace: Letter from Mira

Dear Ones,

Many warm blessings during the holy nights and the upcoming Epiphany, the emerging of the light from the core of the earth, spilling up and over upon the earth's surface and all her inhabitants.

May we all be enriched by the upcoming seeds we choose to plant individuallyand together.May we all be touched by Samuel Lewis' words below:

and Hu Haqq to all!

To the Life we plant and cultivate,


Now the way of the Sufis is to lull the devil to sleep rather than rouse himto wakefulness because of opposition. So there are just two modes of action:either opposition to unrighteousness or cultivation of righteousness.

Opposition to unrighteousness is like pulling weeds from a garden where oneis not so sure they may not grow again. Cultivating righteousness is theimplanting of flowers or trees which will choke out the weeds by themselves.

As opposition to unrighteousness sometimes leads to self righteousness, the cultivating of the heart qualities is often the superior way, and the path of the saint is generally preferable to that of the prophet or master.

Murshid Samuel L. Lewis
The Book of Peace

P.S Oh to dance is to pray is to love is to be the light that we are. Deborah

Rainer Maria Rilke

God speaks to each of us as he makes us,
then walks with us silently out of the night.

These are the words we dimly hear:
You, sent out beyond your recall,
go to the limits of your longing.
Embody me.

Flare up like flame and make big shadows I can move in.

Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror.
Just keep going.
No feeling is final.
Don't let yourself lose me.

Nearby is the country they call life.
You will know it by it's seriousness.
Give me your hand.

Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926)
The Book of a Monastic Life
Translated by Anita Barrows and Joanna Macy

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

morning meditation to a beloved


from a dream
I can't remember
do I wake
pondering and knowing
I would drink in
the scent of your skin
were you near
were you here
before the day begins
before we set
about to tasks
we lovingly will begin or complete
tasks both sacred and mundane

for we have loved
one another
before all else
setting the tone
lighting the stage
for a dance
an adventure
without why and therefore
all things possible is our guide
and our deep minds speak well to each other
and our hearts practice silence
that god and goddess keep company with us
another day, another night

I wake overflowing
with a desire to love, to love, to love
to love all that crosses my path
to cherish those that meet my gaze

let me pour myself like honey
into your open mouth
and i will caress you
from the inside out

a good theme for any day

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

When someone else says it well

Dawn creeps in
crystal clear


savor this juncture
for the road ahead
is long
and arduous

but in this moment
all things
are possible

'97 Judy Anne

Friday, December 15, 2006


deep in the forest
the liqueur in trees slows
the ground blanketed with pine needles gently throbs
birds though still declaring joy
their last choruses buoy my heart
darkness need not chill me
winter light insulates me on grey mornings
the slice of light seeks always the soul
a soul in contemplation
a soul in silence
a soul in chaos
a soul in love
a soul open

committed to being lived through

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Full Moon Meditation

My deepest place of center is resisting sleep
Pushing away the very notion of rest
I howl at she who would have me for her lover this night
And cast aside anything that comes between the light of she and my skin
And through the veil of fog
Still she glows the white of fresh fallen snow
With watery edges that caress a soul into song
Eclipsing my concerns
That the timbre of my voice not please her
That the curve of my breast bone not invite her
To plunge into my heart space
Consume all that I am
Leaving me as whole as I have ever felt
Since last she was full before me

oh what inspires me this instant?

Live with intention.
Walk to the edge.
Continue to learn.
Play with abandon.
Choose with no regret.
Do what you love.
Live as if this is all there is.

m.a. hershey

Saturday, December 02, 2006

The Work of Byron Katie

Four Questions
1. Is it true?
2. Can you absolutely know that it's true?
3. How do you react when you believe that thought?
4. Who would you be without the thought?

And remember to turn it around.

For it always comes back to...

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I seek the gap again
between edges of memories
where no words suffice
And what to say to Beloveds
who also feel you breathe

To say naught is best
then all remains understood
for Winter gifts us Spring


the moon light betwixt
weave of branches bare
half an orb away
she who would come to his bed
only to leave by morning

Thursday, November 23, 2006

featured poet of the day

Calibrating affection
is like flying turtles.
It just doesn’t happen
What did you say?Maybe.
What if they
were sucked into the
sky, tornado force five?
Impossible things
happen I see – no
arbitrary measures
can set standards for
the weight of myaffection though.
I want to say it’s
best described inNewtons; something
heavy. Concrete babe.
My heart clings to
my upper rib cage but
can’t hold on and falls
into my stomach.
Butterflies fill my
head and all is right
in the world, because
we’re respecting the
weight of all this
))){ fast matty

Thursday, November 09, 2006

"When we seek for connection,
we restore the world to wholeness.
Our seemingly separate lives become meaningful
as we discover how truly necessary
we are to each other."
Margaret Wheatley

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Mi Casa es Su Casa

Dear Rain,

Thank you for coming with such passion.

You are welcome anytime.

And I await your return.


My table is set
for the friends
I have not met yet

Yes that would be you
With whom I would gladly bear my soul
Over a cup of tea

I wait like a lover two moon-filled nights
Feeling you so near
And put the kettle on to boil

That will momentarily sing your praises
While I harmonize

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Letter to a friend

Dear You,

What you did was BRAVE. To put your fate for a time in the hands and hearts of others who don't know you is incredibly BRAVE. And I hope someday you understand that it was. It was BRAVE. And if I held you too long, too tight, too fiercely before I left then please understand it is because I love you so very much and want the portfolio of memories we have as friends to be rich with color, crunch and texture. And for that you must be present in spirit, mind and body.

For we can't take to the sky, till we like it on the ground. Thank you KT Tunstall for the original metaphor.

How many times have I sought an exit for good and not taken that route. I have to wonder why I thought it and then also why did I not take it? Or do I need to bother wondering why and just be glad for the moment I am in.

Whatever is going on between us as "drops in God's ocean" is precious to me.

Monday, October 09, 2006

The contract with myself

How shall I be with me?


How shall I be with you?

We, who are one and the same.

Full Moon Haikus April 14, 2006

The experience
of fresh air and grey light, soft
the gloaming begins

I pour the contents
of my mind over brown-red soil
tomorrow's mushrooms

I walk the forest
feet kissing earth many times
not wanting to leave

Bird twitters softly
just go home now lady love
your work this day done

Robin what say you?
How is it you are still here?
Your nest grows cold

One last worm is pulled
from beneath green grass
bird hops-laughs- flees

The full moon blooming
will tease and brightly spotlight
that I miss that kiss

Will I sleep at all?
Can I tire myself in time?
Will I sing till dawn?

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Haiku series : Lunchtime enlightenment

Tell yourself yes, you
Have faith in the divine
for the sun rises daily

Practicing patience
Best make it a game to play
Wait, life's but this too

As I watch her play
And a smile forms, so slightly
I join in her dance

She tells me that she
is my daughter who prefers
water over juice!

I amble this morning
collecting rocks from that beach
mind full of wish rocks

Milky clear agate
My little moon keeps company
And that makes you near

Poet to poet
we begin to explore
and what is sacredI ask my own self
How much do I want to know

Not that much, no way!
And god then shines light
interrogating me, eh?
No, just warming a heart

How bright the green grass
After a cold night and snow
What next? Crocus surely!

Never send roses
more than one at a time
delivered in person


Friday, September 22, 2006

autumn equinox

new moon, this night unseen
we know you are ALL there always
your backdrop we'll saturate
with tender feelings
watercolor our story
and on the shadowy edges
paint the diamond stars
till a fresh canvas appears
full front
silver white

New Moon

Autumn debuts again this day
No sign of a moon
I light a candle
single, white candle with red wick
burns giving heat and taking on mine
clarify my soul this night

I am alive. I have power. It is real.
I am alive. I have power. It is real.
I am alive. I have power. It is real.
I am alive. I have power. It is real.
I am alive. I have power. It is real.
I am alive. I have power. It is real.
I am alive. I have power. It is real.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

the week in film

I write not so much this week, as I recover
From an illness that made me want only to lie down
Stay down and wimper to be spoonfed love
But there was no one. Just me and my film friends.

Almost peaceful, the tailors got back to living post war and love restored.

I saw Dr. Lewis seduced.
"Oh Germain." Life is breathed back into the fishing village. And community made it possible.

Pass me a piece of Maya Angelou pie heavy with cream and love and I swear she was marrying me to Frankie Anderson, gentleman and artist who waited till bonds were tied with words of love and wonder.

Who did God create for me? And will they spoon feed me weak sweet tea while my fever burns through my body, someday?

For having survived without the companion to care for me I was reminded of how strong I am and yet how vulnerable I want to be.

Whole and part and whole and part.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Arundhati Roy

"To love. To be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity of life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect strength, never power. Above all, to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never, never, to forget." - Arundhati Roy

Monday, September 04, 2006

As the moon grows fuller

So grows my inability to sleep
The cycle again re-cycling
The sense of enchantment
The feeling of being but one

To sleep would mean to dream
And last night I climbed a tall hill
Waking up exhausted was perplexing

So then goodnight and sweet dreams
For now I am tired and welcome the sand in my eyes

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Maintain (3.20.04)

The Wisdom of Iris Murdoch


Every human soul has seen perhaps even before their birth, pure forms such as justice, temperance, beauty and all the great moral qualities which we hold in honor. We are moved toward what is good by the faint memory of these forms, simple and calm and blessed, which we saw once in a pure, clear light, being pure ourselves.

Human beings love each other in sex, in friendship, and when they are in love and cherish other beings. Human, animals, plants and even stones. The quest for happiness and the promotion of happiness is in all of this and the power of our imagination.

Note to self and you dear reader:

Something about these absolutely moves me to silence and contemplation today. And while I keep to myself out of arms lengths of those I would have hold me, I pray that light keeps me company in their stead.

Sunday, August 20, 2006


What about tonight
and then what of tomorrow
Fresh sunrise for all!

Moon come to bed now
with me alone this evening
Promise you the Moon

All the trees I trust
Are urging me, Surrender
You will like the ride

To Pause, to Wonder
To Declare, to Surrender
To Dive in, Divine

All the birds agree
Offering advice on love
All they do is Love

The catalyst

I meet myself to indulge in a feast for my senses
revisiting the scent of a promised embrace
imagining the feel of being firmly caught up
by outstretched arms
and making sweet love against a standing stone that faces the sea

Sand between my toes
I will take to bed with me this night

And to think it has yet to happen

A grand dousing of possibility colored my fresh canvas this day
A watercolor wash rich in pure bright pigments of passion and vitality
Applied heavily in undulating brush strokes
Took my breath away
I look now like a spent native dancer
bejewelled and drenched in colors
that smudged all I touched

A grand dousing of possibility colored my fresh canvas this day
And to think it has yet to happen.

It is a lovely conversation that leaves me
closer and closer and closer
to the Beloved

The longest note of the year

I shall cry myself to sleep tonight I suspect
Moved by my own state of feeling complete vulnerability
Wondering if the last days hours have been
Real or Imagined

Real or Imagined
Still real.
Oh how easily I will open the door to those who knock
Inviting ecstasy in for a rendez-vous
Eternally spontaneous me always praying for the Divine Beloved to drop by for tea
And stay.

And with Uranus in orbit above me
A shimmering network of light dancing about her body
My hands reach to brush the electric tendrils
I am shocked
Ever so gently again and again
By electricity hungry for connection
A hunger I had misplaced in myself
And found again last night

And so I will begin to compose to the muse

The longest note of the year.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Refuse to fall down.

A Prayer

Refuse to fall down.
If you cannot refuse to fall down,refuse to stay down.
If you cannot refuse to stay down,
lift your heart toward heaven,
and like a hungry beggar,ask that it be filled,
and it will be filled.You may be pushed down.
You may be kept from rising.
But no one can keep youfrom lifting your hearttoward heaven - only you.
It is in the middle of miserythat so much becomes clear.
The one who says nothing goodcame of this,is not yet listening.

© Clarissa Pinkola Estes
From The Faithful GardnerPublished by HarperSanFrancisco, 1995

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

"We're like trees: our roots spread through the earth, anchoring us and helping us absorb water and minerals that keep us alive. But when a tree gets cut down and is disconnected from it's life force the earth, it slowly withers away and dies. Just as our spirits do when they are disconnected from our life force the earth." - Unknown

Monday, July 31, 2006

If I were a personal ad (but I'm not or so I say)

Dear Reader,

Of my profile that's 1 a.m. as I let a few words fall to the screen freely.

I'm happy to characterize myself as innocently optomistic and hopefully romantic and plan to stay this way despite the stories I could tell but then don't we all have some great stories we could share (not naming names to protect the innocent and the foolish that took a chance or three at romance). What I care most about as I make new friends and connections is that intentions be genuine. Mine are. Mine are simple really.

There is more than one but it all crystallizes to well by doing good in all areas of Life 101. Remembering each day as a gift and knowing that anyone who comes into your life (even for a short span of time) is that...What would I suggest for a first date? A good long walk and talk that started with coffee or tea. What would I tell you at that time? That I love to listen as much as I like to share. What interests me about you if you write back?

Your story, that one that is uniquely yours.I am enjoying the journey (would prefer good company for some parts of it).

Some of my best friends are trees, books, and children. What do these three things have in common? Ask me for my answer or offer me yours. Let's compare how our minds work and if they work in tandem with the heart, odds are we'll have good chemistry.

In a nutshell if you are bright, sensual, compassionate, adventurous, committed to good health and taking care of your one and only "temple" and relatively ambitious I will find you captivating...success as defined by you is fine by me.

Does that make sense?

Your willingness to put yourself out there always gets one brownie points!


A Writer

P.S. ...etc...

Sunday, July 30, 2006

The Wedding

Good friends of mine got married today. The couple I regard as my meditation teachers, longtime devotees of Osho and simply an amazing couple that fully engages in all aspects of relationship. They have the sweetest love/hate relationhsip I have seen yet. I understand fully AGAIN that love and hate are not opposites. For as it was again described, in both states of being, take note, one is fully engaged.

To not care would be the opposite of love. Imagine a fine, fine, fine, barely visible line between the field known as love and the field known as hate. You sure know when you've crossed it even though you couldn't see it as you stepped to far.

So perhaps it is simply that easy to step back across the line? Just keep on being engaged and growing more and more able to observe yourself being: annoyed, enchanted, disturbed, blissful, aggravated, peaceful, sad, happy, mad, accepting, generous, stingy and so on and so on.

For more than 23 years Shanti and Subhan have been love/hating one another through light and dark times. Building community as they cultivated a Meditation Center in three different cities throughout the world before coming to Seattle to do so here.

Today 150 "family" members from many chapters and layers of their merged lives gathered to bear loving witness. The rain fell at just the right times to remind us all of our lack of control. We all laughed and ran for cover till it passed.

That I might be so blessed to meet and spend 25 years with someone who would be committed by choice and then after years of devotion wish to go deeper and marry me all over again.

"The Shadow of Awareness is Love, the Shadow of Love is Awareness."

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I perceive that I agree

There is nothing ugly; I never saw an ugly thing in my life: for let the form of an object be what it may, -- light, shade, and perspective will always make it beautiful.

--John Constable

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Haiku at bedtime
Releases the tensions of
Another full day

I am thus counselled
Observe what keeps me company
Embrace then release

Not to worry, sleep
The lessons vow to return
Early tomorrow

And with me they will
keep pace, focused on one thing
teaching, live as Cause

So that none may claim
they took my power from me

life imitating life

could mean saying goodbye
when it is the last thing one wants to do

artfully done
it lives on as a bittersweet memory

i'm not one for bittersweet chocolate
but i must remember it is a crucial ingredient for the finest
homemade brownies

i love

Sunday, July 23, 2006

what was not meant to be

just wrote this lucid, spontaneous memoir
backed out of it to center the corresponding picture
and lost it all
can't get it back in the same way
for the thoughts passed through me
as all thoughts do
were they really mine?

all i know is i can't sleep
and the warm night makes me hungry for a good conversation
where i can listen as much as i want to
and my burning desire to be seen
exceeds my desire to be heard

a burning desire to be
is what it all comes back to

how funny
how quickly we can lose what we thought was ours
this time what was lost was a little memoir of a moment of reflection
what might it be tomorrow?

sweet dreams reader.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Do you have an explanation for this?

Or all the times that things occur that we believe aren't real?

I am real. Are you? I hope so.

Monday, June 12, 2006

The simple, powerful, subtle art of talking.

Have you done yours today?

To whom did you talk?

Of what did you talk?

More importantly, how did you listen?

Oh wait, did you listen?

Of course you did. I know you. You are a very fine listener.

At least last time we spoke.



thoughts on the penny

what are yours?

i love pennies
penny on a sidewalk once saved my life...
pennies add up
pennies are about the value of little things
pennies from heaven?
pennies get discarded only to be picked up
by those with an appreciation for the little things they are
pennies are under-rated in my humble opinion was because I bent down to pick up a penny that once I just missed being hit by a bus in San Francisco at dusk as I prepared to cross the street one block from my I love pennies.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

veiled in a comment

I will imagine
bound'ries in focus, now blurred
the joys of souls merged


today's question

watch how time passes
no concern for attention?
why do I need it?

Thank you Dave

A follower of my posts paid me a sweet kudo...

"I like the way your thoughts fall onto the keyboard and jump out at all of us."

Do they? And thank you.

Is my voice so clearly conversational and unedited in tone...and I am seeming both lucid and fluid and connected?

Then I am glad, glad, glad.

Writing what feels true in any given moment without great amounts of editing and censoring is not only how I cultivate this journal but how I strive to live my life.

And YOU who visit are appreciated by ME.

We are all but energy seeking to express itself.

How are you doing? Feeling free to flow and express yourself? Hope so.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

the quality of the listening
with true silence on my part
makes all the difference
for you doesn't it?

how you honor me
sharing like you will
so authentically
in search of understanding
and a piece of peace

for who am in the world?
struggling up my own mountain
sometimes even properly equipped

it's the days I pack my wings
that upon reaching a new summit level
I take a break from Earth's floor
and check out what's fresh in Heaven

sometimes I feel ready to stay in the celestial
then some angel asks me where'd you get those wings?
made them myself actually, at the Bumbershoot Festival in 1998
and then I bid farewell and drift back down to solid ground
head home for an evening of the copy game, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle, and falling asleep in my daughter's bed
hamster's wheel squeaking and princess night light
showing me the way and where I belong
for now.

many more to listen to tomorrow
happy to do it.

Heaven will simply need to wait awhile for me and my wings made of pink foil and wire hangers.

summer snow

Summer snow is falling
Like cotton that escaped its field
Soaring out of the harvester's grasp
Blanketing the grasses
Collecting in corners

Proving the wind is a mover and a shaker

Or are angels playing softball
In a league like no other
Hurling wishes our way?

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

haiku at 3pm

Such a dance this is
And what a dancer you are
Graceful diplomat

Friday, May 26, 2006

If squirrels can rest than so can I.

I had a rare and notable opportunity today.

Actually, (as Bronte has been saying properly since age three) I have at least one a day and realize I don't always make note of them. This notable moment was shared with a companion I treasure. Alot. In fact it was his keen attention to details that makes this entry possible at all.

Have you ever seen a squirrel rest? Actually, take more than a pair of split seconds to rest? We two did today and best of all we saw it together.

I dedicate this post to my oh so mindful beloved, who caught for us a moment of mystical grace and humor at 9am.

It was a Friday morning like any other in someways. I had to pack a nutritious lunch, and remember the library book bag so new books could be checked out and ultimately to get my daughter to school by 8:30am. Achieved. From school, I'd normally head onto a day of zen-like work. Work these days has been a bit routine so I consider it my daily paid meditation and that helps me maintain the great attitude I am known for. But today I would turn left not right, and return home to spend the morning with a friend. Coffee and conversation the only thing to do till noon arrived when we'd part ways again for a while. This kind of time on a Friday morning feels simply delicious and almost decadent.

It's 9am. We are seated near the big picture window in my living room taking in some light, when he gazes to the rhodendron bush ablaze with bright pink blossoms just outside, then notices something different and says, "I've never seen a squirrel do that before. Have you?"

And I look to the tree outside the front window to observe a squirrel settled on the limb near a stable intersection of tree trunk and main limb. The squirrel is holding itself in a Child's Pose. For those who don't know the basics of yoga, imagine your self curled up in a ball with head tucked into your chest and your arms wrapped about your legs folded underneath your belly.

The squirrel stayed put: one then two then more minutes with head tucked in, paws tucked in, with tail lying flat against its spine. Even closed its eyes briefly as if it was praying. An upstairs neighbor slammed his front door and the building shook. The squirrel raised its head ever so slightly and unrolled its paws momentarily but beyond that didn't move. Then recoiled itself and resumed its meditation. And there it sat virtually motionless until another squirrel scittered up the tree and chased it down. We watched in amazement for squirrels have a reputation of always being on the move by day. The squirrel's concentration broken, it ran to the ground and nibbled on a piece of rhodendron bark before running back to the spot it previously occupied on the tree branch and chased off the younger squirrel that had disturbed it.

That squirrel watched us from its vantage point. We watched it. Eyes on eyes. It seemed to be starring at us as we spoke of his "odd" behaviour. Why odd? We are accustomed to seeing squirrels with their squirrel energy forever in motion but seldom if ever at rest. It was a magical moment really.

So squirrels do yoga? And meditate? Wonder what else they do that I have prior to this day presumed they don't?

If squirrels can rest than so can I.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

notes from the hamster channel

Care to hear an amusing story to “divert” your attention for a moment.

Bronte declared yesterday emphatically she wanted a pet. A goldfish and a cat she tells me and her dad.

She is wanting a pet and tells us she is ready for the “possibility” and can handle it…what she means is she feels ready for the "responsibility" and as you know so well after a single visit she is adorable as she stares you straight on and tells you what she wants in the now. I would not crush this spirit for anything. Turns out that the source of this intention is that certain classmates are going on about their pets and of course Bronte wants now for her self a cat like Sophie, a goldfish like Grace or a hamster like Piper!

We explained to her that dogs chew shoes. Cats often scratch furniture, the bigger the animal the smellier it can be and that you can’t cuddle goldfish, only watch and feed them. We suggest that she compare what it would take to set up housekeeping for a goldfish vs a cat vs a hamster and she and her dad take off to Petco to do the research…but not to purchase.

I get a frantic call that her beloved “Bubblegum” a pink and white striped stuffed cat she took with her to the store has been lost and they are searching all the nooks and crannies of Petco where she might have set Bubblegum down for a moment. So down I come to help search (for the Petco is very near the place we all live) and add my eyes and intution to the search. Dad doubles back to the satellite library in the little community mall near our apartment that she loves. Sure enough the kitty is found among the children’s books where she left him. And dad failed to notice she left with less than she came in with. Not the first time he has overlooked her personal belongings dragged along and left behind. Won’t be the last I suspect. No matter.

She is now so happy to have Bubblegum back naturally her attentions next turn to the aquarium with three hamsters that are a family given to Petco for adoption….Harry and sons…

Harry is a furry striped and rather attractive hamster. His sons sre simply small and golden and cute as all small things are. And to the average viewer impossible to tell apart.

She begins telling us she’d like to take Harry home and we listen attentively preparing no response. No need for we had set this trip to Petco up to be a research only…she will one day be a great negotiator, mediator, diplomat if she so chooses. Turns out we can adopt them at no cost except to set up their living quarters. If you could see her big blue eyes…and you have.

So $57.03 later we are leaving with the clear glass aquarium with aerated top cover, pink and blue bedding, running wheel, chew toys, food, a plastic and hollow strawberry for them to nest in and a rolly ball so that they can run about the living room for a change of pace. A real bargain actually considering…

It was 10pm when their house was set up and we were all three watching the three of them all try to use the wheel at the same time. And we determined that we’d name the “twins” Ying and Yang and we can tell them apart and I‘ll tell you why.

Harry and Ying like to run north (based on how the wheel faces the wall. Yang like to run in the opposite direction. It’s a riot to watch one flip out the other as they attempt with incredible determination to get into the wheel and commence to run in the direction they would like…kept us occupied for over 30 minutes. We call it the Hamster Channel.

We are investing in a second smaller wheel for the boys.

And at 3:30 am that wheel was still in use dad tells me this morning. They are all sleeping now I am told.

Wherever you are remember that life is about these moments more than anything. Simple and ecstatic bliss as children is easy to come by. We need never lose this ability.

And when you need to regroup after a stressful moment visualize if you can this.

One very furry hamster with a raccoon like face and two golden twins that want to run in opposite directions and content to repeat till they can only do one thing, burrow into a bit blue and pink bedding and sleep. A short nap and a meal of nuts and seeds later the exploration begins again. Best thing I did for ME of late was say yes to my little one’s request for a pet! For I just gave myself access to my little girl as well.

This message brought to you by the Hamster Channel!

still true haiku

How many also seek
Only to find resistance
When love is offered?

And how many choose
simply and sweetly to try
Again and again

To this call to love
Am I committed deeply
This lifetime each day.

haiku from december found again

For the sake of truth

I paused to reconsider

What I wrote, still true

Monday, May 22, 2006

greatest achievement? inspirations? a personal essay

So my homework assigned last week was to think about and address the following questions:

What is your greatest achievement? What inspires you?

And I think to myself as soon as they were spoken aloud, "These have got to be trick questions, at least one of them is. Surely the answers will always be very personal and subjective, in some cases too intimate to share? And no two people would ever answer the same, although there might be some common themes that emerge quickly. Common rites of passage that we all might choose to experience. It's all in the details that it becomes "my" greatest achievement and what inspires me. Or so I dialogue with myself.

And so what is my greatest achievement?

How can this be known before I am complete in this life I am still living? Or is the answer so simple it alludes me? Perhaps it is as simple as choosing to begin again each day? And making the choice to be positive, compassionate and joyful to all who cross my path. And to deliver my best effort again. Perhaps it is as significant as finally choosing to become a parent seven years ago (and agreeing to all that comes with it and it's a long term contract indeed)? And being glad for the journey I am on with my daughter who keeps me so alive, young at heart, honest and authentic. I am glad for all stages of parenting experienced thus far and for those yet to come and loving the process.

Or drawing on past achievements, perhaps it is the knowledge I took on a new sport as a 9th grade freshman and began 24th out of 25 runners on my High School cross-country team and finished the season 7th overall, on the varsity team and was voted MVP by my team. As a freshman that felt great. Or how about the time I ran my first half-marathon in under two hours at eight minute miles when my goal had been nine minute miles. Yes, I ran eight minute miles, 6 of 13 miles in significant pain; and I surprised myself when I refused to walk even a mile and somehow found the energy to virtually sprint the final mile. And the experience left me wanting to train for another as the precursor to running a marathon?
I considered the journey I took to finding my birth-mother after 34 years of not knowing who she really was; I was always wondering. That reunion felt great despite the wounds it re-opened for each of us. I felt a missing part of me was restored. And then came the work of creating a healthy relationship with her that continues to deepen year after year. So often the reunions go sour. When they stick and work, it feels great. Attributes we shared all our lives were plain as day. A lot of questions about who I inherently am got answered that day. A lot more got considered.

In the more recent past, I helped build a charter community of 70 people. It took dogged determination, contacting hundreds and hundreds of individuals we sought for the community. It took producing informational events designed to inform and inspire people into action quickly. I was contacting people I didn't know at all. I was inspired by what they made their life's work. Coaching, Educating, Counseling, Healing. I know they saw the vision as I/we presented it to them. And my belief in the idea helped create a bridge for them to cross over and trust that the Founder would deliver on her master plan. As I believed she would. In the process that took place over nine months, I gained the trust and respect of far more than the 70 who signed on to the proposed plan. I also earned the friendship and respect of others who passed on the opportunity for the time and declared how they appreciated being invited, wishing they could join. That alone seem to give them new energy and belief in their chosen path as healer. And I earned a wealth of knowledge about healing modalities that were previously unknown to me.

At this stage of my life my greatest achievement might be my ability to maintain a positive attitude and be committed to contributing to making the world a better place. By small and random and ongoing acts of authentic kindness and compassion. By listening hopefully far more than I speak. By watching for what is going on and not being said aloud. By challenging myself to stay alert and mindful of the need for peaceful people. By being that calm in the room. By looking always for the goodness in people, possibilities of all kinds, family in all forms, friendship that spans time and space, and what's possible for me or anyone to accomplish in a lifetime as a person, woman, mother, partner and in a career of my choice that adds value to my immediate and extended community.

To be a pebble in the pond that creates a ripple that expands outward.

Ultimately, I embrace change and challenge and even chaos. For one path of chaos is that it seeks to reorganize itself into a higher form. So one achievement I enthusiastically claim my own is my welcome of both opportunity and crisis that I might learn, grow and profit from the full spectrum of the process I am part of.

So then what inspires me? Well that is considerably easier to answer extemporaneously.

A lot of little things.
#1 source occurs when I open my eyes each morning with fresh knowledge I have been given another day to do my best again.
That spring returns after winter every year I live inspires me.
That what my kindergarten teacher Miss Mosgrove taught me STILL completely applies to daily life inspires me.
That I know the stories of hundreds and hundreds of people who choose careers in healing and education that are paid too little, work too much and still have a great energy and commitment inspires me. That they continue to show up for those they serve and teach inspires me.
Just about every teacher I have ever had inspires me to be a teacher of some kind myself, if only to my daughter, her friends, my peers, my friends, and all who have yet to meet me.
That my mother's husband has been teaching for 35 years and still loves it as much as ever inspires me.
That an 89 year old teacher was honored for her 69 years of service and she has three job offers to consider inspires me. (be inspired yourself!)
That it is never to late to begin again to reinvent one's self inspires me. And that there are more and more means for doing just this. Resources are more abundant than ever. Wisdom is available on demand to those who seek it.
That necessity is the catalyst for inventions and technologies that seem sometimes to arrive just in time inspires me.
That we can adapt again and again and continue to do so inspires me.
That I know who I am, how I got to this heart/mind space, what I value most, what I will stand for, that I accept my gifts and use them daily serves as a source of inspiration again and again.

I could go on and on about all the things that inspire me and tomorrow there will be something else not on the list. Same could be said for my list of greatest accomplishments. That too is a work in progress that inspires me to stay in the game. Or is it the dance?

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I promise to complicate your life in a most delightful way.
And request you do the very same for me.

Friday, May 05, 2006

The Proper Use of an Umbrella

This weekend Bronte and I headed toward the magnificent UW Arboretum for a bit of drawing and coloring, gardens in bloom with dogwood and more. We had every intention of watching an artist friend of ours work on a pastel painting and joining in the ritual of rendering nature prior to our picnic.

Alas, it was overcast and we showed up to meet “the artist” anyway and together devised an alternate plan. A walk, yes, a walk, we determined before our picnic, just the thing to do with our time. But we had to acknowledge a grey sky that looked ominous and dared it to rain on us! And then we headed to walk the Wintergarden.

And it was at this point that Bronte said the most marvelous thing.

She looked up and noted it was not raining. She had also insisted on taking the Red and White Hello Kitty umbrella and said ever so logically, “It’s not raining, so I will put up the umbrella.”

It made perfect sense to Bruce and I in the moment. And so she did. And it began to gently rain a few minutes later. And in less than 30 minutes it was raining buckets and we retreated for some cover and that picnic. And drew portraits of each other on little pieces of paper. Furrowed brows and all.

And later…

It occurred to me that in times of pending rain I have two choices before the rain arrives or doesn’t. I can put the umbrella up proactively or I can invite the rain to rain on me as if I were a living thing in need of its nourishing moisture.

I hope you are all doing well on this glorious sunshiny day.

Friday, April 28, 2006

And what of butterflies in formation?

"The flutter of the moth's wing can trigger the hurricane. This is not a poetic statement. This is the fact of the matter within this kind of description of nature. In other words, very small changes create cascades into where whole states shift and are perturbed."--Terence McKenna

Be, Do, Have

I offer you a paraphrase of a thought recalled by Wayne Dyer, from the book tour "talk" I attended April 23, 2004 in Seattle and I love it so...:

Contemplate yourself as surrounded by the conditons you want to produce.

Be (Compassionate for example) and you will

Do (Compassionate things for yourself and others) and you will

Have (Compassion in your life in abundance)

Fill in the example of your choice and watch how the Universe will step up to support you

Imagine yourself as you wish to Be…
Be this in your heart and mind
You’ll then do what needs to be done
And you will have it before you realize it.

Then begin again and again.

Aren’t I just so smart??? Not really, I just repeat the good stuff I hear that resonates with me.

Lather, Rinse, Repeat...


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Sweet Spot.

It's the peace that follows
each conversation with you
that is the sweetest proof
of this newly known reality

This place where fear of the unknown has no welcome

And much like the taste of a strawberry
Impossible to describe completely

The sensation akin to that moment
between waking and sleeping
I surrender and step into the gap
A field of infinite possibility

The Sweet Spot.

Friday, April 14, 2006

full moon haikus

The experience
of fresh air and grey light, soft
the gloaming begins

I pour the contents
of my mind over brown-red soil
tomorrow's mushrooms

I walk the forest
feet kissing earth many times
not wanting to leave

Bird twitters softly
just go home now lady love
your work this day done

Robin what say you?
How is it you are still here?
Your nest grows cold

One last worm is pulled
from beneath green grass
bird hops-laughs- flees

The full moon blooming
will tease and brightly spotlight
that I miss that kiss


Will I sleep at all?
Can I tire myself in time?
Will I sing till dawn?

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

afternoon meditation

I am watching her
all afternoon watch me
She gifts me patience

So lush the fresh green
of newborn leaves stretching forth
and capture day's light

I am watching her
give birth yet again to love
such fine offspring

Uncurling slowly
in concert with unseen wind
some shadow dancing

I am watching her
while her bare branches bloom with
joyful potential

Bud clusters hold hope
white flowers seduce the bees
red berries feed dreams

I am watching her
all seasons for the wisdom
that is always there

She is my tree and I am hers.
For I am she and she is me.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

chorus of birds

i now understand that about the best thing i can do first thing of a morning is to get outside, lift the door of my studio, and listen to the birds. they are a marvelous chorus. they are used to my spreading seeds now. they appear, magically. some are coming closer. they expect me. i know that they come whether i spread seeds or not.

and what comes to me is this form of "faithfulness" and "willingness" that signals a sense of interconnectedness that trusts what is not visible, what is hoped for.

seems to me our ultimate faithfulness and willingness is that of trusting the interconnectedness of the whole and the holiness that is larger than the accidents of birth or the imminence of death.

this is the awareness that surpasses being born, and is sometimes called the second birth: awareness that is greater than Time, loss, death. awareness that is sometimes called grace.

coming to me this morning with the chorus of these birds. several species thereof.

John Calvin Dotson

courtesy of John Calvin Dotson

Monday, April 03, 2006

Angels unseen hide
green in the forest amid
Wind's silent laughter

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Haiku +1

Daffodils announce

Spring’s officially running

the neighborhood again

Monday, March 27, 2006

To Erika

Kindred spirits in our ways
What bliss so close to hear you play
Simple and sublime, open-hearted and committed to it
Having to choose between watching your fingers pluck strings with fierce tenderness or look down to capture your essence,

I did a bit of both. Enjoy the next bit of journey you take.

The light this day
Sung in soprano tones
Golden till the gloaming arrived
Blue now and tequila pink somewhere on a horizon line
Circling the globe to light a path for the troubadouress

Love and Light.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


new love crystallized
the moment it was thought of
happens everyday

new love crystallized
the moment it was dreamt of
happens all the time

new love crystallized
the moment it was spoke of
happening, right now!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Haiku at 10 a.m.

The Truth is Simple
Love is Ever-Present, So
Breathe Deep and Often

Start a huge, foolish, project

Start a huge, foolish, project
Like Noah.

It makes absolutely no
Difference what people
Think of you.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Le printemps

leaf buds abundant as mushrooms, trapped
within velvet covered bark eggshells
yearn to break through
harbingers silently singing
of gentle light and fresh ginger root warmth that stirs
potent juices sleeping in the vines and trunks and roots
salmonberry, maple, pines, ferns and blackberry

newborns hatching
fighting for the lighting
beyond a porous opaque
womb within the cocoon
they tap tap tap till a crack

time lapse: denouement
green edges and bright white
perfumes escape as Winter Daphne blooms earlier than Daffodils

Botanical rebels and frontrunners
set the stage for the divas with tender constitutions
that dare not take the stage before the proper cue of hotter spotlight
lest they experience stagefright and freeze o'ernight

it will not do,
it was not due,
it best not dew

to frost this scene

(three days later)

Spring's approach, swiftly
Scented with crisp potential
Crocus burst today

when I was not looking

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Sliding Backwards


winds been blowing all day long
disrupting little outside
distracting me endlessly
imagined what it might feel like to be
rooted to a place
subject to being blown upon all day long
whether it was wanted or not?

do trees mind they are at the mercy of a strong wind or too much rain that might erode the stability of the soil they root within?

lightening has yet to strike any of these trees I call siblings

or do they simply live in the flow
even though they aren't water or air
at peace with forces that destroy and nurture
reminded each spring: without water and air they'd not exist

the view from this window of mine
static and ever changing
a picture of duality, chaos, harmony, life beginning, and decay
that feeds life by recycling, transmuting and transforming infinitely

green, green, green, and mottled brown-grey bark, and silver on the youthful limbs where light hits just right the slender bare maple
a piliated woodpecker enters stage left in search of grubs
a robin scopes the grounds for worms in the spotty patch of grass
earth brown and peppered speckled sparrows streak the red brown earth darting for the cover of exposed roots between frenzied ongoing searches for what we all need

Chi. Energy. Love. Food. Source. And always in need of another meal of it.

I'm not feeling very buddha-like today as the gloaming approaches
I'm not experiencing myself as very original as I regurgitate questions asked by the legacies before me and consider confusions that will remain so.

Oh I know the questions and the best answers and most days I believe them to be universal truths. And then there are the days

I'm sliding backwards toward my human-ness after a night with God.

excerpt of a letter to a friend

(Am I?)

Too much alike
Too much of a good thing
Too good to be true

Not at all.
Not at all.
Not at all.

Speaking of you. Speaking of me. No matter. Same thing.

One coin. two sides. What's on the edge between them. That's the gap I wish to explore.

(I Am? I Am. Yes, definitely I Am.)

The invisible postscript: Directions to this heart--Pick any star and gaze on till morning

Monday, February 27, 2006

"Whatever I am imparting to you, please don't do the same as has been done down the ages by millions of people, misunderstanding or trying to manipulate things according to their own vested interest.

I am telling you about these sutras [spiritual insights] just to remind you that if other people, simple and ordinary, were capable of becoming buddhas, it will be a shame if you die before you become a buddha. Let us make a deep commitment -- not to anybody, but to yourself -- that you are going to invest every breath for the ultimate purpose of being an eternal light, a lotus in full bloom. Without being a buddha you don't have any meaning in your life." Osho (No Mind: The Flowers of Eternity)

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Happy Birthday To Me

Dear Universe,

Thank you for the acknowledgement and for the record, this is truly the very first year I have "advertised" it is my birthday to any and all who'd listen. Whatever could that mean? That I am more glad than ever to be alive.

So much time to LOVE....


Thursday, February 23, 2006

TO: Deborah Drake

FR: The Universe

Happy Birrrrthday to Youuuu,

Happy Birrrrthday to Youuuu,

Happy Birrrrthday Dear Deborah,

Happy Birrrrthday to Youuuu!

A few years back… not so long ago, heaven and earth erupted into a major celebration with the news of your impending adventure into this very time and space. You see, someone like Deborah Drake doesn’t come along all that often… in fact, there’s never been a single one like you, nor is there ever ANY possibility that another will come again. You’re an Angel among us. Someone, whose eyes see what no others will EVER see, whose ears hear what no others will EVER hear, and whose perspective and feelings will NEVER, ever be duplicated. Without YOU, the Universe, and ALL THAT IS, would be sadly less than it is.

Quite simply:

You’re the kind of person

Who’s hard to forget,

A one-in-a-million

To the people you’ve met.

Your friends are as varied

As the places you go,

And they all want to tell you

In case you don’t know:

That you make a big difference

In the lives that you touch,

By taking so little

And giving so much!

Deborah, you are so AWESOME! For your birthday, friends and angels from every corner of the Universe, including buddies you didn’t know you had, will be with you to wish you the HAPPIEST of Birthdays and an exciting new year in time and space. You won’t be alone!



Orlando, Florida, USA

Thursday, February 16, 2006

cold morning after a cold night

a light white frosting
was airbrushed o'er now crispy grass
Jack Frost's graffiti art


Three Crows and Falcon

two crows and falcon
perched in tall bare hard wood
watching cold grey sky

crows harrassed falcon
falcon stayed its branch calmly
crows hopped about

crows wouldn't give up
falcon followed suit silent
what pointless effort

one gave up and then
another took to the sky
leaving one falcon

falcon looked left
and right and around; then chose
left with the gloaming

As did I.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

imagine a hat

imagine a hat full of adjectives or nouns or verbs or adverbs...hundreds or thousands of options and the mission being...

compose now
and see what fruit is born

Evidence of Angels

A waterfall of pure and milky white light
poured down the side of the tree edged hill
and onto the slate grey ribbon
called the road I travelled

A sun eclipsed by cold morning mist
made Brigadoon of half the rising peak
A pure silver orb did it appear
pushing light rays by the millions
through prickly pointed evergreens
appearing as deeply serated knives
protruding from the mound of earth

So white, so light, so bright the soft edges
overlaid upon the blue-black backlit slope
like a downy quilt cast aside
and the sun did rise and shine and reach and breach the
permeable screen of trees as light popped through
and took the form of an angel with wings
as I rounded to curve and began my ascent to heaven and earth

Where is a pin hole camera when you need it?

It's a grand thing

In eight days time I pass again a landmark

feeling no older but a little wiser

realizing with my new found wisdom through living and loving

I have so much I do not know

Thursday, February 09, 2006


I take the long way

Ribbons of road before me
Morning mist rising off frosty fields
The smallest birds flitting from one slender branch to another
Silken strands of spider's art; are they they supporting the crooked branches?
Things are not always what they seem to be
Or are they?

This morning again
I gathered all the silver threads
Left behind on my pillow
By my dreams colored with desire and red, red, red
That woke me at 4:19am
Then commenced again once I fell again into slumber
Gently I gathered them all up and cast them to the wind

Some harbinger of spring building a nest for young ones to come
May find themselves with particularly passionate songbirdlings

But what is a dreamer to do with dreams that are not to be realized the next day?

Release and let them be re-cycled in useful ways
No worries, this I do.
Fearlessly I surrender them
They'll return tonight as the moon grows riper still
Silver orb it is in close consort with Orion these days

I'll pay homage again under a cold clear sky
And pray for that same dream again
with an extra prayer request
more color
more texture

more, more, more

That I might wake breathless in wonder another day even before I look out a window


Sarah Vaughn my friend
has kept me company well
Black coffee and love

(oh how could I not post a haiku?)

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Privately I write so much more than I ever would publically declare
What a strategy I believe myself to be executing with perfection
What a fallacy to hide feelings from the other side of the coin
That is simply another facet of me.


God, make me a bird to fly far far away
God, make me a bird to fly home today

I'll pick a good tree to call home for the hour
I'll carry from one field to another
the seeds that will burst to become the next flower

I'll surrender the desire to create an original
I'd rather be once again with all that I am

Come from nowhere
Part of everything
Divesting myself of this cloak calling itself Ego that will protect me at all costs. Even when it costs me myself.

Yes, the meadows support both grasses, weeds and flowers
but how do we tell one from the other? Are they not all part of the master plan intelligently designed?

God, give me wings this day
I'll put them to good use.

Friday, February 03, 2006

a series of quasi related...haikus

he sees the future
as he stands at a highpoint
he waits patiently

what he sees is what
he claims his own; what dreams
may come to be real?

she whispers into
the many ears of the wind
what fun we shall have

nevermind that a

dark storm is brewing
trees destined to fall this night
courageous ones too

wind tickling, darting
among moss draped pines, childlike
attentive at play

waiting for the word
from God to remind us all
we're all connected

so honor the clan
rock, tree, bird, and also man
within the circle

ask not to be set
apart, even when you choose
to live more alone

what is...

what is...

what is green?
the color of growing

what is laughter?
the sound of play

what is seashell pink?
the dreams of the sun setting come to life

what is love?
for some the real thing that matters

what is next?
whatever comes that one acknowledges

I catalogue my lovers for the day
the evergreen sentinels. their forest feathers; the frame of a salmonberry bush with new leaf buds not yet burst, a slate grey sky, the statue of Quan Yin by the fishless pond, and a wind that envelopes all of me on the back stoop

Something though is missing, yet something is still near enough to sense for what it is unseen. Seeing need not be part of believing. For me.

I cannot see the sea but I know it is there waiting for my next visit.
I cannot see the wind but I know it to be in my lungs on every inbreath.
I cannot see my god but I know god to be at play in the garden where I dwell.

Leaving gifts for me on paths I've yet to walk.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

To my fellow muse and troubadour

So imagine, this
This conversation, this one
that one, and so on

Like a tree in spring
bearing leaves then blossoms bright
ripe fruit; fall's bounty

The days with friends
Who speak their truth, openly
Tomorrow's butterflies

The dialogue we're on like the Yellow Brick
follow, follow, follow, follow
follow the Yellow Brick Road

Monday, January 30, 2006

Dear Sadiq

I will imagine
bound'ries in focus now blurred
the joys of souls merged.

And Sufi haikus
move hearts to mend bonds
that need not exist.

How many kudos can you even accept this day
for the beauty and grace you channel
as instinctually as inbreath and outbreath?

Where did today go?

It was just 9 am a moment ago and I was telling a colleague of the weekends sweetnesses

Asked what the world might look like after a 100 year nap my one and only daughter said," It would be a very pretty world."

The candle wax tells me differently as it drips through the soft crack in its side
A day has passed before me and the trees stood still like they've not done so in weeks
Where are you wind, wind that trashed leaves and limbs all weekend
How long will the light be allowed to keep me company
Before the return of a wet and soggy precipitation
Redundant, Redundant, So be it.

Even I am fatigued by the promise of another sheet of rain
I who come to rain's defense before all others I know
I who drink rain drops like the manna from heaven they are
I who watch the muddy earth for a peak of bright green
And the harbinger is the crocus this day
She's around
She's not holding out
She's wanting recognition
She's flaunting her virgin debutante blooms
She's making promises she will keep


Original question: where did today go?
It's right behind me

Time to turn around and go back the way I came
See you all nexterday.

On that you can count all ten fingers and toes
And those of your neighbor too.
For good measure.

Remember the world is a pretty place after a long nap.
I don't dare to question the truth and logic of a little girl who still sees pure energy and reads my mind.

Where did my day like that go?
It's all right beside me when I let it stand there.

inspired by a wise friend

How many also seek
Only to find resistance
When love is offered?

And how many choose
simply and sweetly to try
Again and again

To this call to love
Am I committed deeply
This lifetime each day.

For without love...what else is there said one wise friend. The echo is ringing in my heart like a bell being struck for all those attending to morning prayers.

A bell that does not demand to be heard,
yet it simply is,
by some
not all

but in time and place apropos
the call, the bell, the prayer

clear and bright and pure
like the light it inspires

In honor of the rain

The rain returns with
New passion and a gale force
Understand who reigns

In pools collecting
Drops as large as tablespoons
I see springs harvest

Grey sky stay till
You know you have cried enough
Tears for the sad world

Fill the fields with bliss
Green the grass and feed the vines
That we may pick fruit

I pass through winter
Waiting spring's song to summer
And a call to dance

From my window seat
I watch the vision of me
Wet and wind swept

Who will walk with me in the rain today?

Friday, January 20, 2006

A day of mixed feelings

What would I have me
do, say, be, feel, and stand for
in the name of love?

December 24th
I questioned myself deeply
Still no simple answer

Life progresses with
Sun rise and set between Moon
Wish I was a star

I'll watch from a deep
cerulean sea of sky
Both seeker and watcher

Seeking in the night
What is elusive by day
Wise eyed owls wisdom

And in every breath
I commit and then release
Surrender the path

A day of mixed feelings

Monday, January 16, 2006

For the sake of truth
I paused to reconsider
What I wrote, still true

Fractal by John Calvin Dotson

Haiku in honor of you

Life keeps getting me
Up each morning for another
Round of making Love

Monday, January 09, 2006

Tis the season I revere

Tis the season I revere
Reconvene deep within
Honor yourself this evening as light fades and spirits wake
Celebrate the wind that troubles the last remaining leaves on the maples

And tomorrow begin anew
Embrace the coming winter for all that it allows
To gestate under a mulch of once tender leaves
Before a deep freeze slows the sap
And like the bear the trees will rest

And I will be still the goddess in the forest walking with bare feet
Heart warm and open

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Haiku for the New Year

Oh that wind last night
blew aside cobwebs clouding
ingress and egress

A portal today
awaits offering a chance
to choose courage

Gingerly I enter
finding myself far afield
finally at home