Thursday, February 09, 2006


I take the long way

Ribbons of road before me
Morning mist rising off frosty fields
The smallest birds flitting from one slender branch to another
Silken strands of spider's art; are they they supporting the crooked branches?
Things are not always what they seem to be
Or are they?

This morning again
I gathered all the silver threads
Left behind on my pillow
By my dreams colored with desire and red, red, red
That woke me at 4:19am
Then commenced again once I fell again into slumber
Gently I gathered them all up and cast them to the wind

Some harbinger of spring building a nest for young ones to come
May find themselves with particularly passionate songbirdlings

But what is a dreamer to do with dreams that are not to be realized the next day?

Release and let them be re-cycled in useful ways
No worries, this I do.
Fearlessly I surrender them
They'll return tonight as the moon grows riper still
Silver orb it is in close consort with Orion these days

I'll pay homage again under a cold clear sky
And pray for that same dream again
with an extra prayer request
more color
more texture

more, more, more

That I might wake breathless in wonder another day even before I look out a window


Sarah Vaughn my friend
has kept me company well
Black coffee and love

(oh how could I not post a haiku?)