Thursday, July 16, 2009

Stories: Which Shape My Life?

"It is all a question of story.
We are in trouble just now because we do not have a good story.
We are in between stories. The old story, the account of how the world came to be
and how we fit into it, is no longer effective. Yet we have not yet learned the new story.
Our traditional story of the Universe sustained us for a long period of time.
It shaped our emotional attitudes, provided us with life purpose and energized action.
It consecrated suffering and integrated knowledge.
We awoke in the morning and knew where we were.
We could answer the questions of our children.
We could identify crime, punish transgressors. Everything was taken care of because the story was there. It did not necessarily make people good, nor did it take away the pains and stupidities of life or make for unfailing warmth in human associations.
It did provide a context in which life could function in a meaningful manner."
-Thomas Berry

Explore the practice of becoming ever more mindful of the stories that shape your life and when they come clearly into view, begin to investigate and question those stories have come from, how they live in you, and how they either serve of diminish the quality of life. Discovering, questioning, and revisioning the stories by which we live is a liberative artform worthy of your exploration. Can you imagine how different our lives and world would be if more and more people were to come to live by stories that are more closely aligned and congruent with the true nature of reality - and of themselves?

Thank you Joel and Michelle Levy for your wonderful Thought for the Day. To find out more about their work visit: