Sunday, August 20, 2006

The longest note of the year

I shall cry myself to sleep tonight I suspect
Moved by my own state of feeling complete vulnerability
Wondering if the last days hours have been
Real or Imagined

Real or Imagined
Still real.
Oh how easily I will open the door to those who knock
Inviting ecstasy in for a rendez-vous
Eternally spontaneous me always praying for the Divine Beloved to drop by for tea
And stay.

And with Uranus in orbit above me
A shimmering network of light dancing about her body
My hands reach to brush the electric tendrils
I am shocked
Ever so gently again and again
By electricity hungry for connection
A hunger I had misplaced in myself
And found again last night

And so I will begin to compose to the muse

The longest note of the year.