Monday, December 19, 2005

A day of few words?

I have been particularly unwilling and unmotivated to make calls today
And yet it has felt fine to be so silent and focused on sifting through the sands
For those I might call tomorrow. For that is what I am here to do. Call to you to come.
And somedays this calling does not feel like my calling so to be validated and select randomly,
a card from the transfomation deck that honors and therefore celebrates silence feels like a breath of fresh air.

There are days when my energies are like banshees that demand to be heard.
There are days when my softest whisper seems acknowledged by so many I thought were not even listening. And there are nights my dry tears go unheard.
Now is a very precious time indeed.
As winter energies culminate and time turns its efforts toward seducing light back into the days
minutes more each day available to watch
the beloveds in your life as they smile, weep or coax one more bedtime story out of you.

Yesterday's portraits are a result of each of us watching the other in silence
ducking heads to look down and apply charcoal to a blank page
and capture an essence of each other that is unrivalled
by anything we might say of one another.

She poured me into the cream page and colored me in.
Gave me fair and rose colored cheeks and blue eyes and always curly hair,
dressed me in a skirt and applied to my head a red beret with a little tail up top.

What did she take from me last night and what did she add that today leaves me most contented to be silent and observe the trees just beyond my windows yet another day?

I am surrounded by a sense of wholeness. That will evaporate or crack apart if I talk too much.

17. Silence

The energy of the whole has taken possession of you. You are possessed, you are no more, the whole is.

This moment, as the silence penetrates in you, you can understand the significance of it, because it is the same silence that Gautam Buddha experienced. It is the same silence that Chuang Tzu or Bodhidharma or Nansen.... The taste of the silence is the same.

Time changes, the world goes on changing, but the experience of silence, the joy of it, remains the same. That is the only thing you can rely upon, the only thing that never dies. It is the only thing that you can call your very being.

Osho Zen: The Diamond Thunderbolt Chapter 1

The silent, mirrorlike receptiveness of a star-filled night with a full moon is reflected in the misty lake below. The face in the sky is deep in meditation, a goddess of the night who brings depth, peace and understanding.

Now is a very precious time. It will be easy for you to rest inside, to plumb the depths of your own inner silence to the point where it meets the silence of the universe. There's nothing to do, nowhere to go, and the quality of your inner silence permeates everything you do.

It might make some people uncomfortable, accustomed as they are to all the noise and activity of the world. Never mind; seek out those who can resonate with your silence - or enjoy your aloneness. Now is the time to come home to yourself. The understanding and insights that come to you in these moments will be manifested later on, in a more outgoing phase of your life.