Tuesday, December 13, 2005

This I Believe (still)

"I am so sorry that when I am gone, I will not be leaving the world a better place."

With this sentiment did Maya Angelou began her post event speech. She had read excerpts and poems to a full auditorium at the Paramount Theater in
Seattle. It was February 24th of 2003 and I had just celebrated my 39th birthday the day before. I stood frozen hearing an echo many times over of that statement. I felt like a taut string plucked firmly and the message resonated deep and planted itself within my body.

She was so beautiful and so strong and so graceful.

For all the times I have thought, " I want to make a great contribution while I live," I also figured I needed to be well-known to do a better job at it. But that night my expectations of myself were forever altered by that utterance that began her more private monlogue to a smaller group of 150 on stage after the grander performance. She spoke for 30 minutes; I cannot remember the specifics of what she said beyond the initial opening statement.

I will never forget that evening, that moment. She spoke individually, quietly, tenderly and privately ONLY to children as she signed autographs for them.

For I believe deeply, personally and most intimately that I need never be known. That I simply I will contribute something each day, all my days, all my life and through every act of every kind. And as I quietly do my best daily in each moment available; this will be good.

Authored sometime before. True everyday.